Many people ask us how things have changed for us during these Covid-times.
Well: the sun keeps rising, the calves keep coming (up to 70 on the ground now!), horses are getting bored with their daily non-routine as spring weather brings on its own spectacular changes - and everyone needs to be fed! This time of year (from November to May) is known as 'down-time' for us. Despite some very late nights in the barn managing our calving routines; with daily chores we are in our regular annual ranching-isolation mode. We have been very careful to make sure when we are off-ranch, we practice social-distancing, curb side pick-up, and any visiting to the Ranch has been limited. But like I said before, life goes on here and the livestock must be cared for! So I guess nothing has changed, while everything has changed. On that note, we will update all of our customers who ordered for mid-May delivery with our delivery protocol. We do have a SIDE left of our May inventory, so if you still wish to order, we have availability as a SIDE or 2 SPLITS! Just let me know if you want to participate! In the meantime, be good to one another, enjoy your time together getting reacquainted with each other! and yes... wash your hands! |